This Blog, established since Dec 2001, is a place dedicated to the talented and beautiful Hollywood actress Naomi Watts. All images and videos published here are owned by their respective owners or photographers. No copyright infringement whatsoever is intended or implied. The owner of this Blog is not associated with the actress or anyone around her. This Blog is non-profit making and is operated purely for personal interest. We welcome all discreet and well-intentional comments and feedback. (Note: this site is best viewed with Firefox)

Sep 6, 2008

Naomi Watts - special coverage on the NY times Style magazine Sep 7, 2008

Following our Aug 29 entry of the NYtimes interview with Naomi on video clip, I now have and have posted on the forum the article written by Lynn Hirschberg associated with the interview. Here's a brief preview:

“When I work, I get hooked on becoming another version of myself, which can be good and bad.” Watts was calling from Australia, where she, her fiancĂ©, Liev Schreiber, and their infant son, Alexander, were living while Schreiber completed work on a movie. “Career-wise, I think it slowed things down: it made me less hirable because people were not sure who I was. I diluted myself into so many other women.”.... here to read the article in full, together with 9x all new & never-before-seen photos of our chameleonlike Naomi, first on [nw2005] group.


Anonymous said...

Great set of photos, and you have them first, again. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love the article, and needless to say the photos. She's all chic and moda, and as the article describes correctly, chameleonlike.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely awesome!

Anonymous said...

Love her in the 2nd photo.