This Blog, established since Dec 2001, is a place dedicated to the talented and beautiful Hollywood actress Naomi Watts. All images and videos published here are owned by their respective owners or photographers. No copyright infringement whatsoever is intended or implied. The owner of this Blog is not associated with the actress or anyone around her. This Blog is non-profit making and is operated purely for personal interest. We welcome all discreet and well-intentional comments and feedback. (Note: this site is best viewed with Firefox)

Dec 5, 2011

Naomi signs on for Grandmothers, co-starring Robin Wright

Dec 5, 2011

Australian actress Naomi Watts has signed on to star in an Anglo-French co-production, The Grandmothers.

The Grandmothers is an erotic tale of misguided love based on a novel by Australian Nobel Prize-winning author Doris Lessing.

The film, which has been awarded funding by Screen Australia, will also star Robin Wright, Xavier Samuel and James Frecheville and will be directed by Anne Fontaine of Coco Avant Chanel fame.

Screen Australia announced on Monday a total investment of $17 million in a diverse slate of TV projects and feature films.


Emma C said...

Thank you for Naomi.

johnQ said...

Both good actresses although the story is a little weird. But I like the director's work. Her last film is fantastic.

Anonymous said...
