This Blog, established since Dec 2001, is a place dedicated to the talented and beautiful Hollywood actress Naomi Watts. All images and videos published here are owned by their respective owners or photographers. No copyright infringement whatsoever is intended or implied. The owner of this Blog is not associated with the actress or anyone around her. This Blog is non-profit making and is operated purely for personal interest. We welcome all discreet and well-intentional comments and feedback. (Note: this site is best viewed with Firefox)

Dec 29, 2012

[Article] Naomi Watts: 'My brush with death'

The actress reveals how she relived the day she nearly died for a role that’s already receiving serious Oscar buzz.

James Mottram, The Independent

30 Dec 2012

 Talk about a life-changing moment. Naomi Watts is recalling the time she nearly drowned. She was 14, travelling with her mother and older brother Ben. "We were emigrating to Australia," she says, "and we stopped off in Bali."

Leaving the England where she had grown up, it was supposed to be the beginning of a new life for Watts and her family but it almost ended in tragedy. At the beach, she and her mother were in the sea when they got caught in a riptide. "I wasn't a very good swimmer at that point. I'd been living in England and not spending much time at the beach!"

Even now, the petite 44-year-old is fragile-looking, a mix of the articulate and the anxious; it's hard to imagine her teenage self battling Mother Nature. "We got caught in a rip, and I just got very, very tired. Now I know how to deal with a rip – you don't try to swim to the shore, you just let yourself go with the tide. But my instincts were telling me otherwise. I remember getting scared by it and my mum was very scared." Her breathing is a little heavy now, the memory of the event – some three decades ago – still all-too-fresh. "I'm still scared of swimming in waves."

It seems almost apt that Watts should have endured a near-death experience so young, given how she's become an actress synonymous with the sombre. Think of her real-life CIA operative Valerie Plame whose identity is exposed in Fair Game. Or her mother in Michael Haneke's US remake of his own home-invasion story Funny Games, tortured and tormented by two attackers. In 21 Grams, for which she received an Oscar nomination, she was a recovering drug addict who returns to her former ways after her husband and children are killed in a road accident. Even when she does comedy – such as Woody Allen's You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger – she plays neurotic....(more after the jump)

[Newscast] Naomi Watts to promote "The Impossible" at Palm Springs Film Festival

The Palm Springs International Film Festival has announced that actor Naomi Watts....will appear next week with screenings of her latest film.

The festival runs Thursday through Jan. 14 at venues throughout Palm Springs.

The actress will appear as part of the festival’s annual Talking Pictures program. Each year, the festival features entertainment journalists exploring the careers and creative choices of leading actors and directors, ranging from George Clooney to Ang Lee. Each program includes a film screening or a selection of film clips and an on-stage conversation.

This year’s Talking Pictures programs will feature:


11:30 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 5: “Naomi Watts: ‘The Impossible.’” The festival will screen Watts’ new film “The Impossible,” and Watts will discuss her career, which includes the PSIFF’s Desert Palm Achievement Award in 2004 for “21 Grams.” She has earned nominations for Best Actress from the Screen Actors Guild and the Golden Globes for her role in “The Impossible.” Watts will receive the Desert Palm Achievement Award at Saturday night’s awards gala at the Palm Springs Convention Center.


Dec 28, 2012

[The Impossible] 2nd round of press junket video interviews (3 videos)

[interview 1 with Kevin McCarthy's Nerd Tears Geek Nation]

[interview 2 with Manny the Movie Guy]

[interview 3 with Empire]

The “Tsunami Plus 10″ Project

The “Tsunami Plus 10″ Project Offers a Viewers Guide for the Theatrical Release of “The Impossible,” Starring Naomi Watts & Ewan McGregor

Dec 27, 2012

Philanthropy expert Mike Rea explores the story of the 2004 tsunami, as well as the Diversified Disaster Giving approach for effective charitable giving to affected communities

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 19, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — On the heels of Hurricane Sandy and for the 8th Anniversary of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, philanthropy expert Mike Rea, founder of the “Tsunami Plus 10″ Project (, releases a complementary Viewers Guide on the event’s aftermath and lessons in conjunction with the theatrical release of “The Impossible” starring Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor. The film is an account of a family caught in Thailand during one of the worst catastrophes of our time—the Indian Ocean Tsunami of the day after Christmas, 2004. The Viewers Guide, titled “Beyond The Impossible”, provides the larger context of what happened that day and since. It also includes an important call to action: for Diversified Disaster Giving (DDG), three guiding principles for donors seeking to effectively support long-term recovery for communities they care about. Timely opportunities for helping distressed 2004 tsunami regions exist even today. The highly anticipated film, will open in select cities nationwide on December 21, 2012.

“We applaud the filmmakers for their important film,” says Rea. “We have been working on this Viewers Guide and an accompanying short documentary film because we believe it is paramount to share with the public what happened during the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, what we’ve learned, and how we can most effectively respond to natural disasters. The 2004 tsunami taught us that when donors do their due diligence and prioritize local solutions, the needs of communities can be met for months and even years.”

[Read more via links below]

[cinemaassassin][Tsunami Plus10] [Give2Asia]


[Article] FYC - "The Impossible" for Oscars

Revisiting four months of 'The Impossible' with Oscar's deadline looming

A plea for Academy members to consider one of the best pictures of the year

by Gregory Ellwood, HitFix
Dec 27, 2012 

Every season there is a movie or performance that is a head scratcher when it comes to why it does or doesn't appeal to the Academy. Films and portrayals that will be long remembered after a number of other nominated works are getting their share of the best picture spotlight now. Immediate examples that come to mind include "Do the Right Thing" (one of the greatest films of the '80s), "The Ice Storm" (ditto for the '90s), "The Dark Knight" (for the '00s) and, oh yeah, Stanley Kubrick's "2001" (of all time). And as for overlooked actors, last year found both Ryan Gosling ("Drive") and Michael Fassbender ("Shame") of the list of Academy omissions gone wrong. With the advent of the 10 nomination option for best picture, however, you would think that overlooking great movies would be a rare occurrence. Ladies and gentleman of the jury, I give you my own best picture of the year, "The Impossible."


In the middle of a very busy Toronto International Film Festival, I find myself racing from one hotel to another for what I think is just an informal conversation with the cast and director of "The Impossible." I have a habit of showing up exactly when something is scheduled as opposed to 10-15 minutes beforehand. I'm rarely if ever late, but it can make some publicity reps nervous. Considering my hotel is three blocks away from the talents I'm not too worried, plus this was all supposed to be just a "get to know" opportunity. I believe the word "tea" was even used at some point. I'm now racing through the streets of Toronto after a publicist's phone call has clarified this is really just a rare 30 minute group interview with Ewan McGregor, Naomi Watts, newcomer Tom Holland and the film's director Juan Antonio Bayona. No, this isn't everyone sitting around having tea, it's a full on interview. I feel unprepared and am beginning to get flustered. Ah, festival life.


"I know I look like 10, but I am 16. I look like I'm 10," Holland says.

"I want to look 10," Watts follows with a zinger you wouldn't expect from the normally serious Aussie. (....more after the jump)

Naomi Watts wrote Letter in appreciation of Tsunami relief efforts

Naomi Watts praises Vivek Oberoi for Tsunami relief efforts

Dec 28 2012

Los Angeles - Hollywood actress Naomi Watts has written an appreciation letter to Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi for his contribution towards rehabilitating Tsunami hit families in Indian sub-continent.

Vivek had adopted a village in Tamil Nadu named Thevanapattinam in 2004. Watts, who portrays the role of a Tsunami survivor in her latest film "The Impossible", was deeply moved when she heard about Vivek's involvement in providing welfare for these families.

In the letter, Watts wrote, "Words really fail to express how touched I am to see the work you have done for the rehabilitation of the Tsunami-hit families in Thevanapattinam, Tamil Nadu. It takes a lot of courage and immense devotion to be able to take up such a responsibility on one's shoulders.

"As a celebrity it is important for us to realize that we can act as catalysts for change but unfortunately few take any real measures. Your effort to bridge this gap deserves appreciation from all quarters,"
Watts said.

The 44-year-old actress, whose latest film 'The Impossible', is based on true incidents, says she came close to the pain of the disaster victims while working on the film.

"While filming some of the scenes of 'The Impossible', I came close to realizing the unimaginable grief and pain the families must have gone through in December 2004 when the Tsunami hit their shores. I shudder to think about the void it must have created in the lives of people who faced personal losses.

"I salute you on behalf of the entire team of 'The Impossible' for adopting Thevanapattinam and providing relief work to the Tsunami victims. May your unremitting endeavour in the service of humankind go on with undiminished vigour,"
she added.

Watts has received a Golden Globe nomination for her role in "The Impossible". The film will hit theatres in India on January 4 next year.

[The Impossible] Naomi Watts & Maria Belon interview w/The HeyUGuys (video, feature & review)

The HeyUGuys Interview – Naomi Watts and Maria Belon Talk The Impossible

Dec 28, 2012 by David Sztypuljak

Yesterday we heard from the director Director Juan Antonio Bayona for his movie The Impossible and today we get to hear from real-life survivor Maria Belon as well as the woman who plays her so brilliantly in the movie, Naomi Watts.

Seeing the two ladies together in the same room was a real treat as you could tell that Naomi had a huge respect for Maria and what she and her family had been through back on Boxing Day 2004 when the huge tsunami hit the Indian Ocean tragically killing nearly 300 000 people. The Impossible does its best tell just one small part of what happened that day through the eyes Ewan McGregor (Henry) and Naomi Watts (Maria).

Usually in these junket interviews you know exactly what you’re getting before you arrive at the hotel but having Maria and Naomi paired was a last minute change but it such a wonderful pairing. As I said above, seeing the mutual respect that the two ladies had for one another was simply wonderful. Maria was obviously so honoured and proud to have had Naomi play her in the movie and this had been a project very close to both their hearts for such a long time. (...more after the jump)

Dec 27, 2012

[NW2005 FirstLOOK] The Kennedy Center Honors 2012 - Dustin Hoffman (video)

The ceremony was held on Dec 2, 2012, and aired on Dec 26, 2012. Now, first and exclusive again for members and fans of our site, we have below the full video excerpt of the session honoring Dustin Hoffman with Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber as co-MCs on stage with Billy Connelly.

*video credit:CBS

Dec 26, 2012

[Article] Naomi Watts - happy and takes easy with life

Naomi Watts Reveals Why She Is Not Married To Baby Daddy Liev Schreiber

By Dee Clarke, OK! Macazine

Dec 26, 2012

Naomi Watts is riding high after being nominated for a Golden Globe for her role in The Impossible and took on the daunting task of portraying the late Diana, Princess of Wales in the upcoming biopic.

And her personal life could not be happier with her long term relationship with actor Liev Schreiber and mother to two sons.

But the British-Australian star has not yet walked down the aisle with her main man and told the January issue of Easy Living magazine that she may not ever say "I do" to her baby daddy.

"We're very much together. We just don't have that certificate, and that's okay with both of us," she shared. "Maybe one day, we'll just wake up and go 'Hey, let's do this.' And maybe not."

The blond bombshell says that she has finally learned how to be happy and believes her family has given her the stability she needed.

"There is less stress about work," she said. "I still care about it deeply, but I feel as if I care about other things more."

"I saw somebody today who I had not seen for ten years and they said that I didn't seem so serious. They told me, 'There's a lightness about you now.' And perhaps having a family has done that for me."

The 21 Grams actress added that becoming a mom later in life was the best decision because she knows herself better.

"Of course, I love my work and it's a big part of my life, but I think I am able to compartmentalize now. A baby in my twenties? I don't think I would have done that as well," she shared.

3rd FYI Poster for "The Impossible" Released

Summit Entertainment/Lionsgate are releasing their FYI Posters for "The Impossible" gradually and in a timed & phased manner, and now we have the 3rd Poster available, again a blanket promo for the entire film, cast and crew, therefore keep on anxiously waiting for the one for Naomi's leading role to be released.

Dec 25, 2012


[NW2005 FirstLOOK] Official "Movie 43" Poster

The official "Movie 43" poster has been released, take a look here, first & exclusive, in HD.

Dec 24, 2012

[Article] Ewan McGregor Praises Naomi Watts' Performance

Joining Angelina Jolie, Mark Ruffalo, Edward Norton, Kate Hudson, Jack Black, Reese Witherspoon, Benicio del Toro and Jennifer Connelly....Ewan Mcgregor has openly announced his praise and support of Naomi's performance in "The Imppossible" in which he co-stars.

24 Dec 2012

Ewan McGregor has praised Naomi Watts for the variety that she brought to her role in The Impossible

The pair play husband and wife who are separated after being caught up in the 2004 Tsunami.

And McGregor went on to call the performance that Watts delivers in the film as an 'extraordinary achievement'.

Speaking to The Press Association the actor said: "For 85 percent of the movie, she's really badly injured, fearful for her life and the safety of her husband and her other two sons, anticipating the fact that she might be dying," he said.

"There's never a sense of that being on one note. I've talked to her about it.

"I said, it's an extraordinary achievement that you managed to weave such variety into it and take us on this huge journey."

[Article] Naomi Watts dreams of Australian Christmas

24 Dec 2012

Naomi Watts would love to spend the festive period with her family in Australia, where she would indulge in some ''amazing'' seafood.

Naomi Watts wants to spend Christmas in Australia.

The 'King Kong' actress is saving up to fly her family - her actor partner Liev Schreiber and children Sasha, five and four-year-old Kai - out to visit her relatives in Australia for a relaxing holiday full of seafood and traditional festive cheer.

Naomi confessed her dream is: ''A trip to Australia. We'd get the family together, cook amazing seafood, do all the usual stuff. And crackers - though the ones you have here in London are way better than what we can find over there.''

The 43-year-old star is busy filming her upcoming biopic 'Diana' about the late Princess of Wales, but says she looks forward to nothing more than spending some quiet time with her dog in her beach retreat and hopes to enjoy some time out from her hectic schedule this holiday season.

Speaking about her idea of heaven, Naomi said: ''My beach house in Amagansett, New York. I do nothing except sleep and go for long walks with my Yorkshire terrier, Bob.''

Dec 23, 2012

Angelina Jolie, Reese Witherspoon & Jack Black support Naomi Watts for Oscar per Ewan Mcgregor. Angelina Joilie actually held a private screening of "The Impossible" honoring Ewan Mcgregor, but she said during the screening that she found the performance of Naomi Watts "extraordinary and beautiful" [full story]. Reese Witherspoon wrote an open fan letter to Naomi, whereas Jack Black was as per Ewan Mcgregor in this video.

[Article] J.A Bayona on Naomi Watts

Shooting a Mega Tsunami Wave and Weeping on Set

By: Elisa Osegueda on Dec 21, 2012, Cine Latino

Based on a true story, The Impossible is Spanish director Juan Antonio Bayona's follow-up to his hit horror movie The Orphanage. The film stars Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor and centers around one family's survival of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

I got the chance to sit down with Bayona and talk about the creation of The Impossible, from shooting a deadly tsunami wave to Naomi Watts' potential Oscar nomination.

After his successful feature film debut with The Orphanage, which became the highest grossing Spanish-language film in Spain, Bayona set his eyes on the real life story of the Belon family. The family of five survived the deadly tidal waves that struck Thailand's beach communities during their Christmas vacation. Maintaining authenticity became Bayona's real challenge despite feeling the pressures to deliver another big hit.

"I think there will always be pressure regardless if the film is a success or not. If this film doesn’t do well then yea there will be much more pressure for the next one because that might be the end for me if I don’t get it right. [Laughs] The pressures on this film were more about telling the story correctly and in the logistics," said Bayona. "It was a massive project with hundreds of extras. It rained every day running our sets and schedule. The real challenge was paying tribute to all the people that lost their lives in the tsunami. "