This Blog, established since Dec 2001, is a place dedicated to the talented and beautiful Hollywood actress Naomi Watts. All images and videos published here are owned by their respective owners or photographers. No copyright infringement whatsoever is intended or implied. The owner of this Blog is not associated with the actress or anyone around her. This Blog is non-profit making and is operated purely for personal interest. We welcome all discreet and well-intentional comments and feedback. (Note: this site is best viewed with Firefox)

Feb 25, 2013

[Naomi Watts] The 58th Academy Awards - Feb 24, 2013 [your first look here]

Naomi and Liev Schreiber arriving at the 58th Academy Awards on Feb 24, 2013.

*Our collection of watermarking-free HQ/MQ images is here on our [Forum]

*youtube video credit: MaximoTV

*youtube video credit: MrHULKSeif


kidwatt said...

Too bad she did not win, but she looks like a vision!

Richard Steandric Ricsteand said...

Yes, I think she is gorgeous, divine, ethereal....

Cinesnatch said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog, but you missed a previous post:

The post, as well as the one you commented on, is an annual series on my blog where I discuss the Oscar chances in the Best Actress category. I also tend to have a snarky tone in general. Sorry if you were offended.

Richard Steandric Ricsteand said...

Dear VIncent,

Thank you for the link on the Diana's preview which is generally positive but with reservation. I note that you have mentioned Iron Lady and My Week with Marilyn with a comparison intent. Sorry I've watched and found both not much of a quality, acting included.

People have been very demanding and harsh on Ms.Watts all these years but relaxed and generous on others especially mediocre young actresses.

This is my personal opinion though. Regards.

Emma C said...

Thank you for Naomi.

Amy said...

This is her all-time best-dressed for me.

tess said...

Me too.

Susan Kay said...

Unconventional, daring , she has outperformed herself again.

Cinesnatch said...


"Sorry I've watched and found both not much of [a] quality, acting included."

Allow me to repeat myself: "The post ... is an annual series on my blog where I discuss the Oscar chances in the Best Actress category." Key word here being "chances" not "quality." My series is called "Best Actress 2013," in regards to the Oscar race. Oscar isn't necessarily a measure of quality, but a mixture that takes into consideration popularity and promotion. I don't judge or make the rules; I just report on the likelihood that an actress and her film has at achieving a nomination.

I personally did not care for The Iron Lady or My Week With Marilyn, though, unlike you, I found both of its title actresses to fare decently. But, the comparison was intended, again, for purposes of Oscar "chances," not "quality." Lady and Marilyn both got their actresses an Oscar and an Oscar nod, respectively. The comparison insinuated that I think Watts has an EXCELLENT chance at being nominated for an Oscar next year. You accused me of being a defeatist/troll on my blog, but it sounded like you are taking a less than positive approach to my writing, or perhaps I can do a better job.

For the record, I find Watts extremely talented and the fact that she is an actress in her mid-40s who may be hitting her stride career wise speaks volumes for her abilities. And, she was one of the best, if not the best, in 2001 with Mulholland Dr. And, P.S., I thought she was one of the best dressed on Sunday night.


Richard Steandric Ricsteand said...


Thank you for your support of the most beautiful and talented actress of our times.

What I want to point out is we must not undermine the power of buzz in the yearly voting process which decides who the nominees and winners are. Unfortunately and exactly every year it is the so-called film critics and oscar predictors doing this kind of buzz-manipulating and front-runners-staging tasks aiming at to dictate the results of the Awards. And as you have correctly said these are based not on quality but personal babe-favors (like this year "IT girl" JL). Regards.


Cinesnatch said...


You bring up a very good point of buzz-manipulation. And, I'm glad you did. I've only been blogging for two years and am still searching for my voice. But, I was quite offended when you came on my blog to insinuate that I sound like a troll. It wasn't very nice.


Richard Steandric Ricsteand said...

My sincere apology to you Vincent if you feel offended by my remarks which were more generalized than personal on my part. Please keep your blog going, for whatever your goals are, like mine. Regards.

Cinesnatch said...

Thank you, Richard.

landos said...

This is the best dress ever and only a woman as beautiful as Naomi can pull this off!