This Blog, established since Dec 2001, is a place dedicated to the talented and beautiful Hollywood actress Naomi Watts. All images and videos published here are owned by their respective owners or photographers. No copyright infringement whatsoever is intended or implied. The owner of this Blog is not associated with the actress or anyone around her. This Blog is non-profit making and is operated purely for personal interest. We welcome all discreet and well-intentional comments and feedback. (Note: this site is best viewed with Firefox)

Sep 13, 2013

Naomi Watts Interview: "Diana is definitely a sensitive subject"

"We knew that the reactions are extreme"

While in Paris to present a preview Diana eagerly awaited biopic on the Princess of Wales, Naomi Watts appeared smiling but tense . The day before, the film was booed unanimously by the English press . However, difficult to destabilize the star who rushes from the first issue in a long tunnel promotion ... Interview.

Here : Everyone has an opinion on Diana . You can choose to see weak or strong, victim or manipulative. It remains open to interpretation ...

Naomi Watts Yes . This is the very definition of an icon and the relationship that people have with an icon. We find all the different ways to identify these public figures " bigger than life " ... If you are a strong and intelligent person, you think , "Oh , she 's just like me ! " But if you feel weak and hurt, you understand better in this angle , etc. ........

And you, how have you identified to Princess Diana ?

Everyone believes what they want about Lady Di , and it has not made ​​my job easy . There is so much information available about it ... So much! When information intersects through two or three different sources , this is where you begin to trust . You assemble a puzzle in your head and you get out what you think is the most "real" .

It is a complex icon of course, but Diana is a film ultimately very simple: a cute love- story between a princess and a surgeon ...

It is a universal story. If Diana was removed from this story , it would work anyway, it would affect people in the same way . And perhaps it would cause less irritation in some parts of the world ...

Yes, we heard that the first reactions in London were not lenient. What has happened?

( Obviously embarrassed ) I did not really follow the reactions. I do not think this is a good thing for me ... We always knew that the reactions are extreme in England. The opinion has been mixed there about Diana , even in her lifetime. This is definitely a sensitive subject, the British feel it belongs to them ...

In any case, your Diana is incredibly " cute ." There is a heavy dose of charm that goes into a performance like this , right?

She had a lot of charisma and humor. It was a free spirit ... Everything comes from it , it was confirmed to me by his entourage , I did not invent ...

(Oliver Hirschbiegel , director of Diana attends the interview a few meters away. He decides to intervene. )

Oliver Hirschbiegel You know, Diana was very much like the movie stars of the golden age. She radiated a certain energy, a real mystery . His eyes sometimes lost in the distance, distance , and suddenly she came to us it was magical ! It was also an actress like Naomi ... For the rest, I can not tell you the intimate details of our work , it would be ...

Oh go! it does not bother us ...

N. W. But what are you talking about exactly ?

O. H. No, a director is like a doctor, you know, we are bound by professional secrecy . I can not tell you intimate , things finally not intimate , but ... I do not have the right . Prohibited .

N. W. Oh my God ! OK , Oliver, thank you very much. I think we'll go on without you ! (Oliver takes off, laughing . )

So what was he talking about ? You seem to have secrets both ...

(Laughs) Absolutely not ! I swear, I do not know what he's talking !

(Oliver returns one last time . )

O. H. Just to end the similarities between Diana and Naomi : they both love telling dirty jokes !

Is that true? You like it ?

N. W. Yes . Why not? A good dirty joke from time to time ...

On the set? Before the whole team?

Yes . Good morning before start! Diana did that , too, is true. To lighten the mood before an interview , for example ...

Your girlfriend Nicole Kidman also plays a famous Princess Grace in Monaco, Olivier Dahan, which will be released next January. You compared your cards?

I love Nicole , she has always been a great support for me. We obviously talked about our two princesses movies , it makes us laugh ... But I 'm sure the media will be happy to keep score and make comparisons , as you may already be doing it . For me, these two films are the sign of being a generation addicted to true stories , especially the stories of the rich and famous . Today, we want to know everything about the world ...


Anonymous said...

The British are brutal, I have heard someone describing them this way. It is so correct.

s2 said...

Naomi is so brave to take on this role. She wins even though the film doesn't.

white said...

Everyone should have been well-prepared before taking on this role. I think Ms. Watts is very brave. Salute!