This Blog, established since Dec 2001, is a place dedicated to the talented and beautiful Hollywood actress Naomi Watts. All images and videos published here are owned by their respective owners or photographers. No copyright infringement whatsoever is intended or implied. The owner of this Blog is not associated with the actress or anyone around her. This Blog is non-profit making and is operated purely for personal interest. We welcome all discreet and well-intentional comments and feedback. (Note: this site is best viewed with Firefox)

Feb 16, 2013

[Naomi Watts] "Queen of the Desert" update - filming to start in Sep 2013

Naomi’s upcoming movie “Queen of the Desert” is back on again and will begin filming in September, despite an earlier report that filming likely would be pushed into next year because of scheduling problems for leading lady Naomi Watts.

Watts, Robert Pattinson and Jude Law were slated to star in the Werner Herzog-directed film about English writer Gertrude Bell.

“It’s still a way’s off,” Watts told on Jan.18 at the Sundance Film Festival. “Hopefully, it will happen, she said.

But Cassian Elwes, the independent film’s producer, tweeted that the filming is back on for September and also confirmed an earlier Improper story that shooting will take place in Morocco.

“We have to move part of the shoot to morocco from turkey; where Werner wanted to shoot was too close to border of Syria,” he Tweeted. The arab country is racked by civil war.

Pattinson is slated to play T.E. Lawrence, a British army officer who organized Arab resistance to the Turks in World War I.

He became known as the legendary “Lawrence of Arabia.” The role was immortalized by Peter O’Toole in the 1962 epic “Lawrence of Arabia.”

The film will focus on Bell, an archaeologist, explorer, cartographer, political ambassador and British spy. Law plays British diplomat Henry Cadogan, Bell’s love interest. The two were Bell’s lifelong friends.

Feb 15, 2013

[What We Heard] Inside Naomi Watts' celebration lunch for friends in LA

Chef David Rayner whips up a meal for Aussie star Naomi Watts.

Feb 15, 2013, Noosa News

NOOSAVILLE chef David Rayner has just returned from Hollywood where he was invited to cook a celebratory lunch for Naomi Watts and her A-lister industry friends. The bad news is he can't give us any goss about the who's who around the table - he signed a confidentiality agreement. The good news is, he can tell us about the lunch.

"It was a wonderful experience, something that doesn't come often in a chef's life," Mr Rayner said. "Naomi Watts was super friendly."

The lunch was a celebration for her Oscar nomination for her performance in the movie The Impossible.

"My (chef) friend Luke Mangan was invited to cook and he telephoned me and said 'There is this little thing going on in LA and I need someone to help me cook. It involves return first class air fares to LA, five nights at the Beverley Hilton, and cooking for Naomi Watts. Are you free?'" (...more after the jump)

Feb 14, 2013

[Naomi Watts sighting] Brentwood Country Mart - Feb 13, 2013

Naomi takes her sons to the Brentwood Country Mart in Brentwood, California on Feb 13, 2013.

Naomi Watts Celebrates Leading Hotels with CNT - Feb 13, 2013

Last night, Hollywood and TV stars—including Naomi Watts and Eva Longoria—came out to celebrate the 85th anniversary of Leading Hotels of the World at an exclusive fete hosted by CondĂ© Nast Traveler. The party not only served as a birthday bash (wait until you see the cake), but it also turned the spotlight on the many LHW properties that have appeared in movies over the years. The magic happened at Hot List 2012 hotel Mr C Beverly Hills.

Naomi Watts presents Hollywood Star to Simon Baker - Feb 14, 2013

Feb 14, 2013

Simon Baker, the Emmy-nominated star of the CBS crime drama “The Mentalist” received the 2,490th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame today.

British-Australian actress Naomi Watts, who co-starred with Baker in the 2005 horror film “The Ring 2,” and also a long-time good friend to him and his wife Rebecca Rigg, and Bruno Heller, the creator of “The Mentalist” and one of its executive producers, joined Baker in speaking at the 11:30 a.m. ceremony in front of the Beso Restaurant on Hollywood Boulevard.


*[more images]

[NW2005 1stLOOK] The French trailer of "Two Mothers"

The first trailer of Naomi's new film "Two Mothers" in French and entitled "Perfect Mothers" has been released and we are happy to present it here for our fans‘ first and exclusive viewing, and comments if any. According to this trailer, the movie is scheduled to go on public screens on 3 April, 2013, not sure if only in France or elsewhere as well.

Feb 12, 2013

Naomi Watts won Spanish CEC Medal Gala Best Actress (video)

Medalla CEC Mejor Actriz. Naomi Watts agradece el premio por teléfono te
(CEC Medal Gala best actress. Naomi Watts thanks the award by phone)

Award received by J A Bayona on behalf of Naomi Watts who gave a thank you speech over his cellphone on stage.

Naomi Watts interview with Fandango on "The Impossible" (video)

The Frontrunners, The Impossible, Naomi Watts Interview

*credit: Fandango

Feb 11, 2013

Vanity Fair on Awards Beauty - Naomi Watts (video)

Naomi Watts: Awards-Season Beauty with Vanity Fair's SunHee Grinnell

With Hollywood knee-deep in awards season, the mega-stars are primping and preening for all of their oh-so-glamorous red-carpet events. But which beauty maven knows how to do it best?

Vanity Fair beauty director SunHee Grinnell chats with some of the industry’s leading makeup artists (Kate Lee, Christian McCulloch, Tim Quinn, and Gucci Westman) and hairstylists (Ashley Javier, Harry Josh, and Kevin Mancuso) about six dazzling screen sirens whose hair and makeup never fail to impress.

Here's video for Naomi Watts:

[watch video]

Naomi Watts' family day out to Farmers' Market Feb 10, 2013

Naomi and Liev Schreiber took a leisurely stroll through a Los Angeles Farmer's Market Sunday, but when their young sons started playing on their scooters, the couple had to move it up a notch to keep up.

Besides laughing and scooting about, the family looked close as they shopped for vegetables and flowers.

Foreign Box Office update for "The Impossible"

Lionsgate’s The Impossible, costarring best actress nominee Naomi Watts, grossed $4.3 million on the weekend, lifting the international cume for the tsunami disaster film to $138 million.

Feb 10, 2013

CBS Sunday Morning - Naomi Watts on her "Impossible" role - Feb 10, 2013

Today Feb 10, 2013, Naomi appears on CBS Sunday Morning and talks about her career, her big break, and meeting the woman she'd play in an Oscar-nominated performance in "The Impossible," about a family separated during the 2004 tsunami disaster in Thailand. She also reviews her career over the years and praises BFF Nicole Kidman for her support. Lastly there is an emotional moment of her connecting with her father......

Maria Belon: ...from Spain, hoping justice will be made, this time.

[©NW2005 1stLOOK] FYC poster - Naomi Watts for Best Actress

...and earlier, another FYC, the 3rd featuring all;