The 46-year-old actress was also spotted getting her heart pumping while running alongside her partner Liev Schreiber, who rode the bike.
The day before, Naomi tuned out the city noise by wearing earphones.
“I hate seeing myself on-screen. I don’t like staring at me. I’m never happy with how I look,” Naomi shared her thinking at the premiere of her latest film St. Vincent earlier this week.
Naomi, you're the most beautiful screen icon, it is a fact.
I can just watch your face on screen for the entire 100 mins. Of the movie, believe me!
aahh darling, Naomi, when I see you on every day, moment... my love for you, getting bigger and bigger and bigger... honey, I've spent many days, months, years with you... growin old n older... it's really hard to bear your love, Naomi :((( you know that?!
this, for you: "And love is the sound of gaps, the sound of gaps that is sunken in ambiguity" (from Sohrab Sepehri - a Persian poet)
I really love Naomi's new ankle tattoo
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