credit: BUILD series
"The Loudest Voice" is based on extensive reporting by Gabriel Sherman in his bestselling book, "The Loudest Voice in the Room." In addition to Russell Crowe, the star-studded cast includes Academy Award nominee Naomi Watts as former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson, Golden Globe nominee Sienna Miller as Ailes’ wife Elizabeth, Oscar nominee, Emmy winner Seth MacFarlane as former Fox News PR chief Brian Lewis and Annabelle Wallis ("Peaky Blinders") as former Fox News booker Laurie Luhn. Even after his passing, no figure looms larger in today’s politically charged media landscape than Roger Ailes, who molded Fox News into a force that irrevocably changed the conversation about the highest levels of government. To understand the events that led to the rise of the modern Republican Party, one must understand Ailes. The Showtime limited series takes on that challenge.
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Such a great cast.
Naomi is very presentable and she is very hand on about the character she played. Talented.
Can see more of Russell and Naomi together
Naomi is Gretchen, totally into character. Russell is just priceless and just unrecognizable. The two should get their awards when the time comes.
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