This Blog, established since Dec 2001, is a place dedicated to the talented and beautiful Hollywood actress Naomi Watts. All images and videos published here are owned by their respective owners or photographers. No copyright infringement whatsoever is intended or implied. The owner of this Blog is not associated with the actress or anyone around her. This Blog is non-profit making and is operated purely for personal interest. We welcome all discreet and well-intentional comments and feedback. (Note: this site is best viewed with Firefox)

Dec 13, 2012

[NW2005 FirstLOOK] Naomi Watts on Jimmy Fallon's Late Night - Dec 12, 2012 (video)

Be the first to watch Naomi Watts on Jimmy Fallon's Late Night Show where she talked about her recent meeting with Hilary Clinton at the Kennedy Center Honorees State Dinner, The Impossible, and played a game with Jimmy Fallon on Dec 12, 2012. First & exclusive for our fans.


tess said...

Thank you for being first!

susan kay said...

She is cute, and this outfit looks young!:)

Anonymous said...

Great video. Thanks!

Amy said...

Great hair and outfit. Hope she will get the nomination this year.