Naomi Watts, the unexpected
M le magazine du Monde - by Thomas Sotinel
Naomi Watts could stay in the shadows. It is in is taken shortly. The thirty passed, she was always an actress to the calamitous filmography (in 1996, the children of the corn IV, Greg Spence horror film), time for Australia to try his luck in Hollywood. The only interesting project in which she had participated, the episode pilot of a television series directed by David Lynch, was refused by the string ABC. It was in 1999.
Today, it has delayed his coming to Paris for the promotion of Perfect Mothers, by Anne Fontaine, because she was nominated for the Oscar for The Impossible of Juan Antonio Bayona. This is Jennifer Lawrence who took the statuette, but Naomi Watts cares little. She may be able to qualify next year for his interpretation of the Princess of Wales, in Diana, the movie she just turn under the direction of the German Oliver Hirschbiegel.
It took one night of May 2001 so that it turns into star, the night of the screening of Mulholland Drive in Cannes. Thanks to money from Canal +, David Lynch had transformed her series into a feature film in competition. From one day to the next, Naomi Watts, who had more agent, was beset on solicitations. "Two days after the screening, I was shooting a movie in Australia, in the middle of nowhere, and I was getting in my box of bouquets on the part of people who refused to receive me two days earlier," she recalls.
The actress immediately flourished, toured with two pillars of cinema American, Woody Allen and Clint Eastwood, without hesitating to stand between the hands of Michael Haneke, the anti-Hollywood film makers. Just as it changed from a Spanish - Juan Antonio Bayona - Director for whom she has embodied in The Impossible, a mother courage taken in the 2004 tsunami, to the radiant perversity of the French Anne Fontaine.
In "Perfect Mothers", Naomi Watts plays Lil, an Australian who has spent his entire life in an Edenic place, waterfront, alongside her best friend, Roz, role played by Robin Wright. The two women were married, had each a son. While boys have 20 years, Lil and Roz live an adventure with the son of the other. A true story, told one of the protagonists to Doris Lessing, Nobel Prize in literature, which has made a new the grandmothers - which is in turn inspired Anne Fontaine.
Presented at the festival of Sundance, Utah, the film sparked anger of a Mormon organization and misunderstanding of a portion of the audience: "there was laughter, we understood that people felt uncomfortable," says Naomi Watts, who immediately wondered if the French public will be more relaxed: "I have this bias that wants that the French are more jaded, more 'c'est la vie', she laughs. She knew, in embarking on this project, that it ran certain risks.
Naomi Watts was in Thailand, on the plateau of The Impossible, when her friend Julianne Moore advised him to read the script. "For a nanosecond, I thought that what these women were doing was wrong. Almost immediately I changed my point of view, I understand, I have forgiven them. And the third part of this movement, it was to desire the same thing they." Finally, Julianne Moore has given, and Robin Wright has joined the film, which was shot a year ago about the West coast of the Australia.
It is in this country that the actress grew up. She arrived there with his mother and his brother, after the death of his father, Peter Watts, road manager of Pink Floyd. This is where she made her debut, at the same time as one of her best friends, Nicole Kidman. She was uncompromising, probably too much: "I remember refusing a television series, a long-term contract; It was a quality project, not a soap opera. "And so, I have spent a lot of time without work, but I didn't want to lock me up."
For the actress, this role in Perfect Mothers was also the opportunity to speak with his own voice, without being forced to take the focus of another. It has regained its intonations of teenager (while, for the role of Princess Diana, it increased up to his English childhood) to play this frantic woman of desire, who does not want to leave her friend while "may not be one to another, they are not lesbians and yet they are so related".
It is launched with a little unconscious bravery, the same which he did risking drowning on the plateau of The Impossible. "It is she who claimed the plan where she looks in the mirror without makeup," notes Anne Fontaine, referring to one of the strongest moments of the film. "It is a very prepared actress, continues the filmmaker, she arrives with a degree of assimilation of the character that I don't"
She has a lot of fans in Europe. She is better liked there, no doubt.
One of the greatest actresses of this generation.
I like her films and choices of roles, and she never disappoints.
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